Safe Kids Spaces
SKS - A community owned company, designing children's online safety, wellbeing & digital sovereignty technologies.​
Mandate - Protect UK family's cloud rights & secure our children's virtual-to-real-world journey.
Q: Why?
A: Children's psychology is being hijacked
UK family's best interests are not being served by the technology companies that regard them as a commodity. Mental health & harming disorders have grown directly in line with the uptake in smartphones & social technologies (Study Review).
A: Child exploitation is a pandemic
The criminals willing to exploit children are a
percentage-of-population problem & found in every walk of life. Our children's welfare systems are overwhelmed & police are calling for a cultural evolution to keep children safe, (Gov Stats) & (UK Police Report).
SKS is a Verified Parent-Only Community company (VPOC), designing systems & AI technologies to help reconnect the family & resolve child exploitation. The VPOC's 51% ownership of SKS Ltd creates a collectively intelligent, authenticated network of parents, while the 49% share provides the commercial agility to keep pace with any emerging technologies that could harm our children.
The mission is to secure our children's online sovereignty & help them & UK families navigate the journey into the real world, together.
The journey to protect UK families online
- Polygraph all key SKS coding & VPOC safeguarding personnel.
- Launch VPOC portal to regulate the company & child safe technologies.
- Launch junior wellbeing, location & online safety education app.
- Feedback wellbeing & online safety data to VPOC & NHS.
- Launch always-on Ai-Parent app.
- Integrate teens social elements in accordance with VPOC.
Secure kid's virtual-to-real-world journey
Self-start quasi neighbourhood watch groups (80% founded by abused children) now provide up to 50% of the evidence that convicts UK child abusers. These groups must be understood, developed & integrated with national authorities to share information, retain the motivated & maintain the law. Laws SKS will lobby/emend to make safety critical
offender location & profile data accessible
to family wellbeing operations.
Stop the abuse before the journey begins
To protect children Online-Outside-@Home, we will release our Ai-Parent app ASAP. Akin to having Alexa on your child's phone, Alexa's Ai is swapped for a virtual version of you, looking at your child's interactions on & outside the phone when you can't be there, 24/7-365. Your families unique Ai-Parent is programmed by you & your children's interactions over time as the world evolves; online & psychological data that is owned by you, the VPOC.
@ Home
Well-being & Online Safety
Fun, well-being apps use characters, Ai-Parent avatars & rhymes to instil positive breathing techniques, mental health & online safety. Feeding back data to the SKS community (VPOC) & NHS helps all understand children's online mental development, whilst securing their safety.
As parents we can't be there all the time, but in an age where criminals & abusers can contact our children online, outside & @ home, we worry when we are not. The
Ai-Parent app will use all the device's onboard microphones, cameras & speakers to understand who & what your child is interacting with, off & online. Ai-Parent advises & alerts both the child & parent to help avoid abusers & maintain healthy family connections.
Safe social interaction for kids
We are developing secure kids's social apps with built-in parent only authentication and line-of-sight that will evolve with the child-parent relationship. Zero-ad apps & games will provide fun first steps, through to adolescence when children will naturally want to fly the family's interactive nest. A digitally tethered parent app provides line-of-sight to your childs' interactions & AI to help families & their children safely navigate the online journey into the real world.
We are motivated by our children and their future
Our people are ex & current Formula 1, MoD, Police, Care & IT professionals dedicated in reconnecting the family & stopping child abuse. SKS look to action any novel or transferable resource that can bring about positive change.
Join Us
If you are motivated by child exploitation or family welfare issues & have a story, video or data that could help protect children, please read our Why & Solutions pages, then join the VPOC. Together we can create the online world our children need. Watch Video
For partnerships and investor relations please use our contact form.